Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3 Game)

As I am a huge fan of BFBC1, COD4MW and CODMW2, I will not make direct comparisons. They are all great in their own way. I will say that this game is a bigger improvement from BC1, than MW2 is from MW1...if that means anything to you.

The graphics are a less "cartoon-ish", for lack of a better word.

The controls are better IMO, but you change them back to BC1 if you'd like.

There are more upgrades/attachments available, along with a unique way to mix and match them to your liking.

Something I like a lot is the effect gravity has on snipers firing over long distances. It's the first game (that I know of) where the mil dots in the scope are needed to snipe. You will also have to lead your target, just like in BC1.

Huge maps, like BC1

Destructable buildings, tree, etc., like BC1.

Firing rifles in full auto is more realistic. In BC1 there wasn't much climb or wander when firing in full auto.

I would recommend it to any one looking for the closest simulation of warfare in a video game. It incorporates squad teamwork, vehicles, armor, airstrikes and much more. This creates an environment where the run-and-gun Rambo types, just get owned...I love it!

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